Born July 8th, 2009 @ 1041 & May 25, 2012 @ 2305; Sept 4, 2015 @ 2250
Saturday, August 8, 2009
ONE MONTH OLD~ Reminiscing
WOW its hard to believe its already been one month since Alistair joined us in this world! Its quite emotional really to look back at photos and see how vulnerable Alistair was and how far he has come. I thought I would add a couple pics just to show the significant changes that have occured: first family photo and a very trying time for us as a family. Now it's incredibly lovely to watch such things as Alistair smack his lips for dinner, kick his feet and wave his hands about, see him watch and listen to his mobile, watch him have a total shit fit, and snuggle and mellow out into mom or dads arms. Like I've said before it is all incredibly humbling.....We had a really nice day today again just mellowing out as a family. We took turns holding Alistair throughout the day today while we read. I attempted to get him to latch at 9am and 3pm but it was just too much for him. Very exhausting. However he was VERY interested! Plus we gave him a bath so all a bit to much for the little guy. So tomorrow the plan is we will give it a go at noon and 9pm without a bath. Anyhow we are incredibly happy with where our little fella is at after a only one month. Prior to his arrival we never could have dreamed that he would be at the stage he is at now. Lovely! One very happy family! ~ Julie
Hey back from a great wedding! Wanting to sleep but the girls are up and about so just thought I would check to see how Alistair was doing. Glad to see your weekend went well.
Justfantastic photos which even the great aunties can enjoy and watch theamazing progress allthree of you aremaking as a wee family. lots of hugs auntie rosi
hes soooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!
ReplyDeleteHey back from a great wedding! Wanting to sleep but the girls are up and about so just thought I would check to see how Alistair was doing. Glad to see your weekend went well.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad Alistair has so much love in his life! It is so beautiful!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso he is just the cutest little bub ever in his little tub!
xo ~Lisa
Justfantastic photos which even the great aunties can enjoy and watch theamazing progress allthree of you aremaking as a wee family. lots of hugs auntie rosi