Monday, August 3, 2009

Mandated to get Mobile

Another day in the life of Alistair MacMillan. Today a nurse I asked to primary for us pretty near mandated that I get my butt out and buy a mobile for the boy! So I took her advice and its quite nice really. Just makes things feel a little less institutionalized. In addition, some nurses like BJ make it a significant part of their job just to make a really nice gender appropriate bedding. This just makes it all the more extra special......Genetics is coming tomorrow for an assessment to do an overview of Alistair so just the thought of this has put me a bit on edge today. But as Jason would say "Slow down!" So we will see..... We did find out though that there is a bed being saved for us at the NICU in Pr. George so thats pretty exciting. They may actually send us there sooner than later! Woohoo! As much as this is a very nice arrangement, waking up in a more familiar environment only 5 hours from Jason would be wonderful. Who knows we may even have to put his plane ticket on credit. But again I can hear my man telling me to "slow down" again!

Well I had better hit the hay!
Cheers Julie

1 comment:

  1. Julie, I can hardly wait to hold your little guy. He looks so content after his baths in the photos and videos. Wouldn't it be wonderful to move up to PG. Love the choice in moblies. best regards auntie Rosi
