Thursday, August 13, 2009

Alistair goes first class!

Yep just a quick note before I hit the road and yes I realize its 9pm and yes I will be careful and yes i will stop when i get tired. I PROMISE! i've already gone through it with all the nurses here and made promises so no worries. Alistair got first class fixed wing paramedic flight to Pr George at about 730pm he left and he'll get there at about 10pm. i could have gone with but I wanted the truck up there and my stuff so i'm heading up now and will get a couple hours up the road before I call it a night. Then I'll just have a shorter drive tomorrow. So very surreal and wierd to be heading north already. It honestly feels like I just got here. So Yep north I'm headed.

Gotta go!
Chat more later ``Julie


  1. Wow!! That was fast!!!! Call me when you can!!!!xo

  2. Give me a call when you are up to it Jules.

