Saturday, July 25, 2009

whoop whoop yellow poop!

Yeppers that was the excitement of the day yesterday. Its quite significant for Alistair really as it means my breast milk has gone from mouth to diaper. So he has past the test of having his bowel and stomach manipulated following surgery and of course jammed up in the left chest for several months. So super bonus! Tomorrow he will be up to full feeds which is about 50ml every 3 hours. Today I was able to give him a total of a ml drop by drop around his soother and he seemed super delighted sucking madly away. So once he gets off this CPAP, which could still be awhile, he can try the real mccoy! Well this mama has to get use to it just being her and her son for the next while. Jason and Mom drove North yesterday. Another tear shedding moment! I definitely miss them. Especially Jason's good hugs but hey thats the reality of it all. I just have to get in a bit of a solo mama routine and things will normalize for me. Soon enough! Actually things are progressing so well compared to what we expected. But I don't dare ask when they'd expect us to head home as I definitely don't want to fixate on a specific date. Plus I think its really hard to determine as each babe moves through each step so differently. Basically, Alistair has to do three things. He has to beable to take feeds from the breast or bottle, gain weight while doing so, and beable to breath on his own without any support. So I'd have to say we are definitely on the right track. Last night he was weighed at 6lbs 4 oz which is definitely up from his birth weight of 5lbs 14oz. Which isn't too shabby considering they were still trying to decrease his weight exactly one week ago to get rid of all the extra fluid. Plus he won't be on his full diet until tomorrow. So go Alistair go! Well its a gorgeous night here. A major lightening storm is occuring this side of the mountains up the valley and then when one looks towards the city its sihoetted against a pinky orange sky. Gorgeous. I definitely don't struggle with the view here at night. I'm also getting some major views of incredible fireworks shows that last at least 15 min if not more as there is a world wide competition going on her in Van. Well Alistair and I have been having some great cuddles. Hope this finds you all well Cheers Julie


  1. Keep up the great updates, Julie. How wonderful to see Alistair's eyes open in some of the pictures.

    Sending you lots of hugs!

  2. sooooooooooooooooooooo awesome


  3. Same as Kie wrote,,, love seeing those eyes open.
    Think of you often Julie as I have plenty of time while pickin'saskatoons these days out at the lake. take care love as always, auntie Rosi

  4. Thank you for the updates Julies. Sorry for you that you will be a bit lonesome for a while, but at least you don't have to take turns at cuddles now, Alistair can give them all to you!
    Love seeing the photos, the video clips are great.
    Take care.
    Lots of love from us, Lisa, Harold and Emma. xxx
