Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dad and Son

Yesterday Jason got to hold Alistair for the first time. Alistair instandtly relaxed in his arms. The nurses were trying to get Jason to take off his shirt for skin to skin! I'm not sure if that was to benefit Alistair or the nurses!! LOL It was wonderful to see Jason holding our little guy. It has always made me feel a bit soft watching any guy holding their son and then when you see your own husband doing so the feeling is overwhelming wonderful. I think Alistair really enjoys being held period! Its nice that he is finally off the vent so we can do so. They are still talking about attempting to wean him off the CPAP Thurs. He's presently breathing room air so its more the pressure in his lungs that he's presently dependent on. I called this morning and they have uped his feeds to 6ml every 3 hours. There is a lot of acid in his stomach but they feel if they push the feeds it will eventually rectify itself. His poops are increasing so thats a bonus!

Well another hot and positive day down here!
Cheers to All


  1. Once again great photos Julie.! Alister looksmore gorgeous every to all three of you. auntie Rosi

  2. Hi Parents.
    So glad to hear from you, Julie. Glad to hear your precious son coming along okay.
    Pictures are wonderful

  3. So great to hear all is going so well. We've been off vacationing and I've been so antsy to get to a computer to read your blog.
    Alistair is quite the handsome darling!!
    Cheers to more good news!!

  4. Yay! Glad to hear more positive news! xoxo
