Sunday, July 26, 2009

We're here for a bit!

Well I swear this kid of mine is changing by the day. He seems to be getting plumper as we speak. Tonight he'll actually be on "full feeds" which is awesome. They keep reducing his IV nutrition (TPN & Intralipids) and it looks like he'll have his PICC line removed in a couple of days if he keeps up with all the good work. A PICC is a peripherally inserted central catheter. So basically an IV that is inserted for long term use and is threaded close to the heart so the meds are mixing with a higher blood volume. His was inserted into a vein on his head and threaded along and actually its the charge nurses that tend to insert them here. My usual routine is to get to the hospital around noon or one and stay till just before shift change at 7pm. So today I got to snuggle again for a couple of hours. Since his CPAP was rubbing his nose a bit too much they wanted to give his nose a break so we got to try again without the CPAP. He actually did really quite well and mellowed out in my arms. He does fluctuate a bit in color from pale to pink but I guess that his vessels in his lungs will continue to spasm for awhile yet. But they did do a blood gas (blood work that makes sure his body is compensating properly and not making his blood too acidic or basic) at about 630pm and he was doing well. Then I just called again at 10pm and he was still doing ok without the CPAP and they were going to repeat another blood gas just to make sure. I ended up asking one of the charge nurses, who has written her masters on CDH, what her best guess would be in regards to us getting home. Her answer was 6-8 weeks. So we still have a bit of a while to call this southern part of the province home. iIn some respects I was surprised and others i wasn't. I guess I was a tad hopefull that we'd maybe progress out of here a little quicker. However, its nice to have the reality now then down the road as I can get my head wrapped around it now rather than be hopefull all along and get disappointed. So bonus for having accomodation till the end of August. Then I may just have to figure something out for September. Well I got my butt out and went for a walk in Central Park, a 90 hectare park within a block of the apartment. I put on a good stride for about an hour and man does this bod feel it! Geeze I guess it'll take some time to get back to the ol' bod I had before! LOL K as usual I go picture crazy daily! I think I'm at 370 odd pics so far. LOL I know ridiculous but fun! Enjoy the little video clip Cheers Julie


  1. Julie you look so happy when you are holding your little man so nice and he looks so beautiful.


  2. That was a wonderful video clip to wake up to Julie. Love the outfit as well.
    Hang in there and you just may see me in late August for wheelchair basketball.Offtopick Saskatoonstoday. It sureis warm here.
    Goeasy on the bod, it will return to normal in time ( with a workout of course).
    love auntie rosi

  3. Lovely for you to be getting more cuddles Julie. Thank you for more photos, in my opinion there can never be too many, now you can get your own back for all the ones I have sent you of Emma! Love the video clip, Alistair looks like he would like to suck his thumb!
    Guess you will be there for some time to come then, but sounds as if you are settling into a routine now, so just keep ticking the days off, and keeping busy, hopefully it will not seem like forever.
    Take care, and give Alistair a kiss and a hug from us next time you hold him.
    Lots of love from Lisa, Harold and Emma. xx

  4. Congratulations to you and Jason a on the birth of your beautiful baby boy! Now you know how your Mum and Dad felt when you and George were born. It's a whole new level of love isn't it? Oh, he's just gorgeous. It was such a joy to see the love in all your eyes in the pictures. Haven't seen George forever and have only met Jason through pictures. Pretty incredible guy eh?
    I've just finished reading your blogs Julie. What an excellent writer you are! I was wondering what was going on and then I remembered that your Mum had sent me your blog address. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story Julie . What a healing thing you are doing and it will be something to share with Alistair when he's older! Precious memories........
    Sounds like things are going well Julie and Alistair is responding to treatment as scheduled. He has an incredible team caring for and loving him.
    Having a heat wave here. Feels like the old Prince George's summer!
    Be gentle with yourself on this incredible journey. Hugs to you and your family.
    Shine on, Gayle Ron sends his Congratulations!!

  5. Hey looks like another positive day! We are melting up here and spending lots of time in the kiddie pool. Off to the ranch for a couple of days and hoping to take in some dug out swimming.

    Slow but sure you will return to your old self just take it easy at the start.

    Well I had better catch up on some much needed sleep... getting to bed early in the summer is impossible!

    Take Care
