Thursday, January 14, 2010

A little bit of this ....a little bit of that...

Little Mr Alistair having a snooze while I blog
Not the best pic of me but its kinda funny!

Alistair very taken with "Pinky" the elephant

Alistair trying on his hat from Grandma MacMillan

Ah yes the life of ever changing motherhood! I was enjoying a nice 6-8hr sleep every night but as of late Alistair has decided to change things up a bit. For instance, last night he fed at 9pm, 1130pm, 4am, and 630am! Ooo how one loves good ol cover up for those lovely black circles that are created at times like these. Mind you, the smile lines he has created have never been so evident either so that makes up for it.
All this growing may be the reason that he has had some more seizures. Yes, unfortunately this is the case. He had a few on Dec 27th, then he was good until Jan 8th, and then he had what was like a little electrical storm for about an hour on Jan 12th. I never did take him in for any of these as I figured they are just going to stick an IV in him for "just incase" and then hook him up to a monitor for 24 hrs and send us home. I figured I'm a good monitor and he doesn't ever have a lack of oxygen ie turn blue during his seizures and they only last secounds. So mama monitored. Of course I did let the Paediatrician know the very next day and he's really good for taking phone calls. We just went and got Phenobarbital levels done which is a blood test to see if the antiseizure med he is on is at a theurapeutic level. I'm hoping not as that is an easy remedy......The nice thing is is he isn't regressing afterwards. Just the first two cases he looked like he was stoned for about 24 hrs but he still chatted, fed, rolled, smiled etc... O another thing is we did hear back from the neurologist regarding Alistair's MRI and there is NO signs of an hypoxic event (lack of oxygen to the brain), stroke, brain atrophy, or hydrocephaleus. There is some excess fluid around the brain but this is just a wait and see thing. It could mean absolutely nothing. Does that line sound familiar??? : ) Anyhow that was very nice for us to hear. We actually will be seeing Dr Huh up here in PG in February so we'll see what she thinks or does regarding all the seizures.

Cadillac of Cloth Diapers ~

Yesterday I asked Jason to pick up some diapers for me and of course he forgot. Once we made a sweep around the house we found that we had a total of 3 diapers left!! As some of you know I had great plans to use reusable diapers and had thankfully bought a few here and there. So at the moment Alistair is in his cadillac of reuseable diapers called a FuzziBunz. They work great. Perhaps that was just some incentive to get on the reuseable diaper band wagon. We actually have a selection of reuseable diapers as when I was rolling in the dough I bought the cadillacs and then as it became evident things were going to be drastically different I bought the true blue prefolds. Then mom went out and bought some Bummis. So Alistair is going to be a test model on all three! I figure we may as well use them while at home and then he can go in pampers while we go out and about.....shall be interesting. ....and save the landfill at tad as it has always bugged me somewhat how many of those disposable diapers go in the landfill in just one month from Alistair. A good guess would be about 250! So with an annual rate of aprox 1400 births in PG thats an aprox 350,000 diapers in the landfill in one month in PG and aproximately 4million 200,000 diapers in ONE YEAR!!! UGG THATS DISGUSTING! Especially when disposable diapers have only really been used in my life time its obvious that they are truly unnecessary. Just another convenience at the sake of the earth. Mmmmm yes I sound like an environmental pusher but hey don't you think thats ridiculously disgusting. Thats one little town of 80,000 people imagine Vancouver or Toronto! So lets figure out what the landfills get in a year for all of Canada. Stats Canada states that the birth rate for the 2008/2009 year (summer to summer) was 377,703. So that is aproximately 1,133,109,000 diapers in one year that go into our landfills cause we are too use to convenience! Over ONE BILLION. Yousers thats disturbing! Hmmmmm....makes you think
Well its definitely a mild one here...feels like spring but aha its not! Few more months to go....and a bit more cross country skiing!!!! WHOOP WHOOP


  1. Great blog Julie. Thanks so much for keeping it current. Lots of followers out their cheering you three on. love auntie rosi

  2. Hey Julie, I used Mother Ease cloth diapers with Roscoe (still do unfortunately - gotta get that kid on the potty) and they worked great. Trying to do my bit for the enviro too! Let's have a chat soon, love the pics.....xoxo eden

  3. Love the new pictures! Can't wait to see you on Friday.

