Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl

Little Miss Francis definitely has features thanks to various members of the family. However, her hair, eye lashes, and nose are definitely from her daddy! I still can't get over how much hair she came into this world with. It makes her look a lot older than she really is. We were just in getting her first set of immunizations and she looked massive beside this other little guy who was a day older than her. Mind you she is in the 85% percentile so no problemo gaining weight thats forsure!
This is her hair just after a bath. Its so incredibly curly and just like her dad it doesn't take much to turn it into a frizzy afro!! Shall be fun watching it grow with her.
The photo shoot captured her features beautifully.
She basically just slept throughout the whole thing.
Here you get a good glimpse of her stunning little eyelashes. Love them!
The head dresses she got to wear were fantastic too. I wasn't so sure at the time, but now in hind sight they make the pictures all the more fun.

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