Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sleep Sleep PLEASE Sleep

As you can tell by the title of this one Alistair is not sleeping....or well he's sleeping BUT not when we want him to. Last night he got wingy at 7pm....we put him in bed and the sceaming till he pukes began. ACK..,....The little gaffer just winds himself up and up and up till he's vibrating and rolling fantically all over the bed. Then you pick him up and it takes anywhere from half an hour to several hours till he calms his little body down. So I'm thinking this little kidlet is being a normal little spoiled 2 and a bit year old but on top of it he gets this over stimmed nervous system that just is uncontrolled once he gets going. We've tried everything...let him cry: not a good option as he just gets totally out of control and then we're up all night trying to mellow him out and then he sleeps all day....we've done the melatonin thing: not sure if thats making it worse or what but I think it really just helps him go to sleep but thats fine until he wakes up several hours later crying his eyes out....we try exhausting him throughout the day but that doesn't change the end result....he eats like a tropper 99% of the time so his belly is full so he's content in that area...his bowels are in pretty good order now that we got totally wheat free....but typical day is wake at 4 am, get given a toy to play with till 630 am, eat by 7am, get tired and go to sleep about 9am till 11 or so...then lunch,, physio and all that good stuff, and by 630pm he eats super and gets tired and wingy...and then we go into unhappy mode : ( I also try the holding tightly to get him to dampen his nervous system and send a signal back to the brain to mellow out (PT told me about this) and it does help. Like last night at 1 in the morning he was getting out of control so up I got and just wrapped him around my belly and finally after 10 min or so he started to mellow...then back to bed and SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM.....So there is the issue of spoiled and special needs over stimmed nervous system and I just don't know what to do but let the little guy go with the flow until he grows out of it. This has been going on for 6 plus months and unfortunately he was starting to go down so much better and then his uncle played with him one night to Alistair's enjoyment but he got so wound up that he took me forever to mellow him and since then he's been a terrible sleeper again....So who knows! I just wish I could find that little switch to devert him back again....LUCKILY Jason does his fair share of being with Alistair in the middle of the night so we do give each other the reprieve we need. I just can't imagine having to take this all on by myself night after night....I think I'd ya I can't imagine how the single mamas do it all on their own...Anyhooo its 10 am and Alistair is contently sleepling...wish there was a magic wand out there....if you have any suggestions let me know! ~ The Ever Growing MAMA ~ Julie

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie
    You're such a wonderful Mama! This stage will pass, altho you wonder as you live with it everyday. Until then catch some rest when you can & enjoy your little man's progress. Hope you're keeping well & work is not too stressful.
    Maureen xo
