Tuesday, September 17, 2013


So every Tuesday Alistair goes riding with his team. Someone sits on the horse with him and braces his body, a walker is on either side giving his legs direction and also being there if they need to take him off the horse suddenly etc., and then there is a walker leading the horse. The last two times we've gone have been amazing. Mainly because Alistair his relying less on his team and doing more for himself but he's also happier for longer. Today he went the whole time, got off the horse smiling and then I got him to hug and just to be hands on with the horse. He giggled and smiled with delight. This so warms my heart.

 Like I've mentioned to the volunteers, he can't go out and run around to blow of some energy or go throw rocks in a puddle so the fact that he has a weekly session on the horse AND loves it is so thrilling for me. What great stimulation. The motion of the horse, the smell of the barn, the smiling interactive faces, the softness of their hair and coarseness of the mane. Its all so great for him. Anyhow, its been nagging in the back of my head that one day he'll get too big for people to handle and how will or will he still be able to ride. Well I did just a tad of googling and look at the options out there!
So fun to see that there are options. I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to get a grant to cover such an item when the time comes necessary too. Anyhow, its just neat what relief the internet can provide sometimes. Yay technology!

I'll leave you with a super cute video of Francis and her Dad having fun at the patio door. I'm sure it will make you smile! CLICK HERE

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