I'm so in shock. Every time I take Alistair to a specialist appointment I prepare myself for the next worse case scenario or list of new things they want me to add to my scroll of daily things to do for Mr Man. So today we went and saw the outreach pediatric opthamologist, Dr. Aroichane. WELL I shit you not my son no longer has to wear glasses!!!!! ACK...Its a dream come true. The truth is its one last thing I have to do...no more struggling to keep those glasses on his face and have him chew them to pieces and then make new appts to have new glasses, lens, straps etc....No more struggling to keep them on throughout a meal to have him slip his greasy fingers around them just to pull them off. No more guilt that I'm not going over to the kitchen sink to wash them off and reapply them to my sons face only to have them ripped off again. No more guilt that he has no glasses on as I'm too irritable or tired to put them on. No more guilt that he can't see his cue cards that go with meal time as he doesn't have his slimmy little glasses on! Plus the additional cost and paperwork that is deleted from MY list. Then there is Alistair....its one more thing he doesn't need to learn to deal with. Although we have been dealing with them for the past couple of years. But still there is always some new scenario for him. So its really is fabulous for so many reasons. The poor kid has a ton to deal with already so the fact its deleted from his list is fantastic. Plus to think of poor Mr Man continually trying to take his glasses off as they are just blurring his life around him and we are all going "no no Mr Alistair put these apparatuses on your face, its ok if they make your world blurry and they give you headaches....WEAR THEM!" O if only he could talk! The amount of times my blood would boil because he'd conveniently slip his little fingers around them and yard them off. .........I just wonder what else that little man would bring to light!
As soon as we got home from the appointment the first person I called was his support worker Heather. Why? Well she is the one that has been so persistent with Alistair's to do list, particularly the glasses. So I knew she'd be thrilled and shocked like I was that he didn't need them anymore.She'd get how thrilling it really means for all of us! His team has so much to deal with its just nice to know he won't need them for school. Well fingers crossed anyhow. Things can always change in all directions. Trust me I am in the know with that one. So why no more glasses? Well Dr. Arochane took a substantial amount of time to really assess Alistair's eye sight. It was her first time assessing him and I have to say at first the appointment didn't go well. Alistair was freaking out: biting, yelling, and fighting every moment and I had Francis with me too all interested in anything she could get her hands on. Then the doc seemed irritated herself just with her environment: equipment not working, patients in different spots, etc etc.... So imagine two adults trying to have a conversation during all that! ACK Anyways, after we got the lovely pupil dialating eye drops we took off to return in an hour. All was much better then. I got Alistair calmed down, Mom came in to watch Francis, I fixed one of the docs pieces of equipment, and we had some peace and quiet to communicate. So when she told me the good news "You can put these glasses away now."I responded that "I could cry" I don't think she quite got the impact that sentence meant to my life, Alistair's life, and just life in general for all of us. I was also pleased that she even double checked her numbers due to the drastic change. But his right eye is now with perfect vision and his left is slightly near sighted but she said its not worth wearing glasses for at the moment. His left eye also continues to be lazy at times and I guess there is potential for surgery in the future but for now we are leaving him alone in that regard to hill grows and develops a bit more.
Anyhow, who really knows why there was such a change BUT I have to say one thing they told me when we started the ABM therapy was that Alistair may stop needing glasses. I was like ya right! I'm a hard sell. Even with proof like this I still tetter on what really caused the change. But mind you the benefits he seems to be acquiring from the ABM therapy is just becoming to obvious to ignore. So thats why I'm doing my darnedest to get enough interest from the community to bring Carla back as well has her boyfriend Ed who happens to be an ABM practitioner as well. So far its looking pretty promising! Anyhoooo....a dream really came true to day. Miracles can happen!