Saturday, March 15, 2014

Variety Update

Well I thought I'd zip off Jason's bday blog there and then post some more as wow I had no idea it had been so long since I've posted. Seriously I don't know where this winter has gone. Perhaps it has to do with me working almost full time this winter plus having a busier home schedule but whatever the case there has been no winter blues or longing for spring as I truly haven't had time.
So just an update on the whole Variety Telethon experience. It truly was humbling and heart warming to be part of. The whole vibe of the place was amazing. Everyone is there for the benefits of children in need and it was just so obvious. Incredibly in less than 24 hours they were able to raise 6.6 million dollars! WOW It just is such an amazing orgainzation and the things they do for others and the stress they relieve off the parents of children with greater struggles is phenomenol. Just a few of the things I heard that they have done is provide financial support for accomodations when families have to travel to the hosptial, replacing all the windows in a families home whose daughter is allergic to the son as well as provide all her UV clothing, provide funding for communication devices such as Ipads and switch toys, pay for orthotic costs, assist with vehicle ulterations, supporting special diet costs, and the list goes on! Really amazing!!!
 Well as you can see we got to meet a ton of Starwars dudes. A split second prior to this Francis was giving good ol Darth Vader high five but she's not looking too impressed here.
 While we were down in Vancouver we were incredibly spoilt. It definitely is hard on Alistair all the coming and going and changes that go with the experience but he really did quite well. We were invited to be there for the opening and closing but timing and over stimulation just didn't allow us to be involved. However we were able to spend the day there with many other families. It was interesting to hear the stories of others lives and how they came to be here that day as well. Apart from Francis having had enough during the live interview it all went really well. She just didn't want to sit and look cute or pretty for the five minutes but it gave a taste of our life. On top of it we were given a professional family photo shoot which will be loads of fun to see. One of the highlights for me while we were down was we were able to all go out as a family for dinner. Since we could just go to the restaurant in the hotel we were able to leave at anytime if Alistair saw fit. Fortunately it wasn't till bill paying time that he had had enough. Anyhow, it was just lovely to do.

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