Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Feel Like a BIG Girl Now!

Well by the look of this picture I'm sure you've gathered that I'm STILL prego! Yeppers. As of tomorrow I will be TEN days overdue. I have to say I'm feeling pretty darn good considering and to be honest when we had a family bet I figured my due date would be May 25th! So perhaps that will be the case. Tomorrow morning I call the maternity ward at 7am to see if they can schedule me in for an induction. So potentially the process will get started tomorrow. However, it could also be delayed numerous days dependent on how many other mothers are naturally going into labour. So if they're swamped I will get put off.... So we will see. But even so if I get in tomorrow they will just start with Cervidil. Its basically a prostaglandin pouch they stick in your cervix to "ripen" the cervix.....geeze now I'm talking like I'm made up of a piece of fruit LOL... Anyhow, they will try this method three times with 12 hours between each and if I'm not progressing well enough then they go to the Oxytocin IV drip. So here's hoping the little pouches work!
So ya I've been keeping busy and getting more and more organized. I keep thinking today could be the day so then I add a couple things to my daily list. Everyone thinks I'm having the prebaby energy spurt but honestly if thats the case I've been having it for the last three weeks! Honestly, i just think...holy smokes if I have this kid tomorrow then I better get this and that done.  

 Anyhow, now my whole veggie garden is planted, my raised beds are all sorted, I've transplanted a bunch of rhubarb so now I have six separate plants to cut from!, plus I've transplanted a whole shwack load of creeping
thyme which I hope will come up nicely and trim around the patio blocks so that I will have this beautiful lush green trim in my patio area. So basically I'm making myself a little sanctuary for the summer as I'm pretty sure I'll be sticking close to home this season which is fine by me.
Well it turned out to be all worth while. After the daunting task of taking on grant applications, I am so very pleased to say that both grants were APPROVED. So as you know, the application to the Giving in Action Foundation was approved for $25,000 and yesterday I got a call from the Presidents Choice Children's Charity to inform us that we were approved for our $20,000! So now I just have to put in an application to the Variety Club and see if we can get that last smaller grant. The reason we are going after so many grants is the conversion itself will cost $30,000 no matter what route we take. So yes its all an incredible bonus.

OK Peps....maybe this will be the last blog posting prior to kidlet #2 arriving! We will see....until then...have a beautiful day :D


  1. I keep hoping that your little one will soon decided to join your family. Glad you are feeling good and you ceertainly have been busy, so I wish you all the best and anxiously waiting for news.......Love, Anita

  2. You are a very busy woman indeed! Good luck with the induction. Here's hoping it works well.

  3. Hey just checking on you! Your backyard looks great. I will heve to get some rubarb tips off you. I haven't had any luck here. Hope all went well today.

